The goal of the tutorial is to prepare outside collaborators to conduct physics studies for the ILC, using the miniDST data format. miniDST is a flexible format which can be populated with reconstruction data from the ILC full simulation, as well as Delphes or SGV fast simulation.
The tutorial will include:
- Introductory discussion of physics analysis at lepton colliders and available data samples
- miniDST analysis examples in root/C++ and Julia
- Creation of miniDST with Delphes
The minimal computing requirements to participate in the tutorial are access to a centOS7 machine with cvmfs mounted. For those without access to such a resource, the OSG has kindly offered to provide support. An account on “Snowmass-Connect” can be requested at [1]. Documentation for this service is available at [2].
To help anticipate the number of attendees, please register if you plan to participate. It would also be helpful if you could work through READMEs [3] (up to and including "A first example macro") and [4] before the tutorial to ensure that your computing environment is compatible with the exercises. Don’t worry about the details of the examples, these will be explained during the tutorial. If you encounter problems, please get in touch with Chris, Frank, Jan, Jenny, and myself.
If you experience any difficulties throughout the tutorial, real-time debugging assistance will be available via slack [5].
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