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LArSoft Coordination Meeting



Erica Snider (Fermilab), Saba Sehrish (Fermilab)

To connect via Zoom:  Meeting ID 831-443-820

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At Fermilab:  no in-person presence at the lab for this meeting


Release and project report

  • Dropping python 2 build:  no comments at meeting. Suggest email to, wait a week, then move ahead



Ed Tyley:  TRACS to ModuleShower


  • PFPs classified as track-like of shower-like

    • Showers go through shower characterization, then create recob::Shower

    • Two algs for this

      • EMShower

      • PandoraShower

        • topology only

  • TRACS:  Tool-based Reco Alg for Characterizing Showers

    • First discussed at Coord meeting Aug 13, 2019

      • Dev’d by Dom Barker, Ed, Dom Brailsford in SBND

      • Provides a modular framework to fully create a recob::shower from PFP input (pandora)

    • Runs over a set of art::Tools

      • Each should calc one thing (eg start position)

      • Can change which methods are used in fcl

      • Create a suite of tools w many diff approaches

      • Use ShowerElementHolder to pass info between tools

    • Currently used as the main shower reco in SBND and ICAUSR (Tom Ham and Bruce Howerd)

    • Has been used in DUND FD (D Brailsford)

  • Tech details

    • A LArSoft producer module 

      • initialize the tools based on param list

      • manages ShowerElementHolder for passing info between the modules and tools

      • Runs through tools for each PFParticle

      • Retreives the shower params from ShowerElementHolder

      • Creates recob::Shower an adds assns (Shower <—> Hits)

    • SEH is a map to templated base class w set(), get() and check() functions

    • Can store any object here, not just things in recob::Shower

      • eg. one tool calcs and stores subset of hits for calc dE/dx in another tool

      • Can store Element and Uncert for things that require errors in recob::Shower (eg, shower energy)

  • Tools

    • Derived from base class IShowerTool

    • has access to alg w commonly used functions

    • Each aims to do one thing (eg, start pos, direction, dedx, energy,…)

    • Can create assns from w/in tools

      • assns from Shower to recob::PCAxis in ShowerPCADirection tool

      • someone who has an idea for shower reco should create a new tool  and not deal with the module or ShowerElementHolder (Skeleton and example tools exist to help people get started)

  • The problem and solution:  LArPandoraModularShowerCreation

    • Move to LArPandoraModularShowerCreation (change of name and location)

      • Circ dep prevented the PandoraSlidingFit tool

      • Moved from larreco to larpandora to overcome this

        • Should increase usage accross experiments

        • Will live longside LArPandoraShowerCreation

      • Expts must opt-in (eg, no changes unless desired)

      • Validation:

        • Can reproduce LArPandoraShowerCreation from LArPandoraModularShowerCreation

        • Produces some extra showers where LPSC failed

      • Expts will need to configure to use their CalorimetryAlgs

  • Improvements over TRACS

    • Can now push PandoraSlidingFit and related tolls

    • Functions to store FinaManyP objects in ShowerElementHolder (signific speed-up)

    • Simplified config:  make tools inherit fcl params from module

    • Renamed some tools

    • bug fixes + doc improvements

  • Expt changes

    • TRACS being removed is a breaking change for experiments that use it

      • SBND and ICARUS have branches that address this

    • DUNE FD will opt in when D Brailsford is back from holiday

    • Most tools run out of the box

    • Need to configure calorimetric tools to use expt specific algs

  • Showed events displays, some performance metrics

    • shower start position:  comp to EMShowerPerf metrics

    • shower direction:  better than EMShower, comp to legacy PandoraShower

    • dE/dx:  comp to EMShower, though with a slight shift to higher energy for two-mip peak

    • shower energy ratio (reco / true):  comp to EMShower (and all others)

    • length and opening angle:   no comparison to expectation or truth, so can’t tell...

  • Outstanding issues

    • Need to update to LARSoft v09

      • Kyle did this, but not copied over

    • Discuss applying clang-format to larpandora (same as done in larpandoracontent)

      • Will follow up w Kyle about this


  • Change is approved



Bruce Baller:  Track calorimetry issues

  • Testing TrajCluster upgrade to prod tracks w TrackHitMeta and SpacePoints

    • Test exposed inaccuray in how Calorimetry module uses Track trajectories and THM data 

    • Signific problem for short tracks

  • The prob:  short track calor suffers from several  effects

    • Short = 10-30 points in three planes

      • Eg, 50 MeV KE protons

      • Generally at large angle with respect to wire planes

    • Large wire spacing (eg DUNE) results in large values of dx (pitch > ~1cm in de/dx calc are common)

    • Transverse diff in long drift TPCs not negligible

      • ~0.3 cm at max drift in DUNE

    • Calor module assumes track stops directly over a wire on average —> large error in dE/dx vs resid range -> large uncert in PID

    • Showed example of MC proton w T = 56 MeV, p = 331 MeV, range = 2.9 cm. No SCE

      • True length = 2.9 cm. Reco length = 5.5 cm. Reco dir error = 200 mrad. Chi2 per ndof = 0.1

      • So get a really bad result due to integer nature of start / stop points

      • Similar result from Pandora:  True = 2.9, reco = 4.5 cm. Reco dir error = 226 mrad. No chisq

  • Wanted to investigate better way of estimating start point using Bethe-Bloch in Excel

    • Used to develop the PIDA alg

      • Calcs de/dx, E loss, recombination and charge for user-selected step size and init KE

    • Calculated Q vs wire for proton traversing exactly 6.0 wires, range = 3.025 cm

      • Start point first centered on wire, then shifted  by 0.1, 0.3, 0.4 cm

      • Showed that

        • charge at ends changes significantly depending on how far from wire is from true start/end points.

        • Reco range would be 3.5 cm for almost all cases.

        • Results in PID error


  • Refining end point positions

    • Showed that using  charge ratio in last two points might provide better stop point estimate, and so a better range.

      • Noted should work at start point as well (although vertex region is complicated!…)

    • Suggests we need a better convention. Should address integer wire accuracy —> better representation for recob::Track start and end pts

      • By definition at present, traj points are by construction defined at track trajectory intersections with wire measurement plane. So are integer-like

      • Flags in TrackHitMeta can be used here, can be part of the solultion

  • Comments, opinions

    • Flags not fully ustilized by track modules

      • eg, “NoPoint” flag, “suspcious”, “shared”, “detectorissue”

      • Suggest TPs that are “shared” not be used for calor

    • TrackHitMeta provides hit—>Track assn

      • There should also be a hit—> TP assn

      • Calor throws an exception if not a one-to-one TrackHitMeta to TP assn

    • Track start (end) methods return position of the first (last) valid points

      • Calor module sets stopping point to resid range[0] = 0.5 * track pitch (??)

      • Suggest instead that the start and end positions be defined by the track module

    • Implicit that valid traj points are ordered from start to end

    • Ideally flags and trackhit meta would be packaged in the TrajectoryPoint_t struct

      • maybe track proxy class would allow this?

    • Question:  should the Start() of a track that is attached to a vertex be the vertex position, or should it be the first valid hit?

      • [ES opinion:  if there is a vertex position available that is determined from a fit of multiple tracks, then that position should be used as the start. Note that this first point in this case, and perhaps a few others near the vertex cannot reliably be used in calorimetry]

  • Proposal

    • Insert two special TPs to define the start and end positions

      • define using an alg like that on slide 9 (last hit charge ratio)

      • define two new TP flag traits:  TrackStart and TrackEnd

      • No hits are associated w those TP, but they need to be “valid" and be the first and last valid points on the trajectory

        • requires mods to Calorimetry module, and any other algorithms that perform calorimetry

      • Hit charge in the (!Valid) TPs outside of start - end range would need to be include in the sum of total track charge [?? …not following this point]

    • Add an IntersectionPoint method that allows using wires w float precision


  • Discussion

    • Need to think about his comments, questions and proposals

    • Try to connect with communities working on low energy physics, to see where they are, what they are thinking about  <<<——— This is v important!

    • Develop a full proposal for how to address this

    • Then re-present at LCM with the plan of work



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