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16 September 2020
US/Central timezone

Participant List

123 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Adam Lister University of Wisconsin-Madison
Alan Bross Fermilab
Alan Poon LBNL
Alana Rock Research Student
Alex Himmel Fermilab
Alex Lindote LIP
Alexander Kumpan NRNU MEPhI
Alexandre Sousa University of Cincinnati
Alysia Marino University of Colorado Boulder
Ana Amelia Machado UNICAMP
Andre de Gouvea Northwestern University
andrea pocar umass amherst
Andrew Mastbaum Rutgers University
Andrew Sutton The University of Virginia
Antonia Hubbard LLNL
Baha Balantekin University of Wisconsin
Baran Bodur Duke University
Bei Zhou Johns Hopkins University
Bob Zwaska Fermilab
Brian Clark Michigan State University
Brian Rebel University of Wisconsin and Fermilab
Bruce Berger LBNL
Bruce Howard Fermilab
Bryce Littlejohn Illinois Institute of Technology
Camillo Mariani Virginia Tech
Carlo Giunti INFN Torino
Christopher Jackson PNNL
Claire Lee Fermilab
Dan McKinsey UC Berkeley/LBNL
Daniel Ruterbories University of Rochester
Danielle Speller Johns Hopkins University
David Caratelli Fermilab
David Moore
David Schmitz University of Chicago
Diana Parno Carnegie Mellon University
Diana Patricia Mendez Brookhaven National Laboratory
Doojin Kim Texas A&M University
Elizabeth Worcester BNL
Erin Conley Duke University
Erin O'Sullivan Uppsala University
Gabriel Orebi Gann UC Berkeley / LBNL
Geon-Bo Kim LLNL
Georgia Karagiorgi Columbia University
Gianluca Petrillo SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Gray Putnam University of Chicago
Grayson Rich University of Chicago
Ian Shoemaker Virginia Tech
Ignacio Ruiz University of Granada
Irene Tamborra Niels Bohr Institute
Irina Mocioiu Pennsylvania State University
J. Pedro Ochoa University of California at Irvine
Jacob Zettlemoyer Fermilab
Jaehoon Yu University of Texas at Arlington
Jason Newby Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Jay Hyun Jo Yale University
Jianming Bian University of California, Irvine
Jon Urheim Indiana University
Jonathan Asaadi University of Texas at Arlington
Jonathan Link Virginia Tech
Joseph Zennamo Fermilab
Joshua Barrow The University of Tennessee
Joshua Klein University of Pennsylvania
Julia Gehrlein Brookhaven National Laboratory
Kaixuan Ni UC San Diego
Karsten Heeger Yale University
Kate Scholberg Duke University
Kehfei Liu University of Kentucky
Kevin Kelly Fermilab
Kevin McFarland University of Rochester
Kyle Leach Colorado School of Mines
Laura Fields Fermilab
Lauren Yates Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lisa Kaufman SLAC
Lisa Koerner University of Houston
Logan Lebanowski University of Pennsylvania
Louis Strigari Texas A&M University
Marcel Demarteau Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Maria Archidiacono University of Milan
Mario A. Acero Ortega Universidad del Atlantico
Mark Messier Indiana University
Masashi Yokoyama The University of Tokyo
Massimiliano Lattanzi INFN Ferrara
Matthew Heath Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Matthew Toups FNAL
Mauricio Bustamante Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
Maury Goodman Argonne
Michael Kirby FNAL
Michael Wilking Stony Brook University
Michelle Dolinski Drexel University
Minerba Betancourt Fermilab
Mu-Chun Chen University of California, Irvine
Nathaniel Bowden LLNL
Noah Oblath Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
paul mueller oak ridge national laboratory
Pedro Machado Fermilab
Peter Cameron Brookhaven National Lab (retired)
Peter Denton Brookhaven National Laboratory
Phil Barbeau Duke University
Pranava Teja Surukuchi Yale University
Rachel Carr MIT
Rebekah Pestes Virginia Tech
Rex Tayloe Indiana University
Robert Bernstein Fermilab
Russell Neilson Drexel
Samuel Hedges Duke University
Saori Pastore Washington U. in St Louis
Segev BenZvi University of Rochester
Shirley Li SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Steve Kettell BNL
Steven Calvez Colorado State University
Teppei Katori King's College London
Teresa Lackey Indiana University
Thomas Kutter LSU
Vishvas Pandey University of Florida
Wei Wang Sun Yat-sen University
Xianguo Lu University of Oxford
XIANYI ZHANG Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Xiao Luo University of California Santa Barbara
Yasar Onel Uiversity of Iowa
Yun-Tse Tsai SLAC
Yuri Efremenko UTK
Yusuke Koshio Okayama university