19–23 Sep 2011
Building 48
US/Pacific timezone


Parallel 5A (Hadronic): Feedback and Requirements From Experiments

21 Sep 2011, 13:30
Redwood meeting Room (Building 48)

Redwood meeting Room

Building 48

SLAC 2575 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Dennis Wright (SLAC)
21/09/2011, 13:30
Dr Alberto Ribon (CERN), Dr Andrea Dotti (CERN), Dr John Apostolakis (CERN), Dr Michael Kelsey (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory), Sunanda Banerjee (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research), Prof. Vladimir Ivantchenko (CERN)
21/09/2011, 13:45
Dr Michael Kelsey (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
21/09/2011, 14:00
John Allison (Geant4 Associates)
21/09/2011, 14:15
Dr Joseph Perl (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
21/09/2011, 14:30
Building timetable...