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2 October 2020
US/Eastern timezone


RF3: Fundamental Physics in Small Experiments

2 Oct 2020, 12:50


Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
William Morse (BNL)
02/10/2020, 12:58
Carol Johnstone (Fermilab)
02/10/2020, 13:14
Tomas Husek
02/10/2020, 13:36
Steven Gottlieb (Indiana Univ.)
02/10/2020, 13:44
Shaikh Saad (Oklahoma State University)
02/10/2020, 14:00
Taku Izubuchi (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
02/10/2020, 14:18
Stefan Baessler (University of Virginia), Stefan Baessler
02/10/2020, 14:26
William Terrano (Technical University of Munich)
02/10/2020, 15:34
Building timetable...