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2–4 Dec 2020
US/Central timezone


Conventional Neutrino Beams

2 Dec 2020, 09:00


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Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Ken Sakashita (KEK)
02/12/2020, 09:00
Tord Ekelof
02/12/2020, 09:30
Eric D. Zimmerman (University of Colorado), Eric Zimmerman
02/12/2020, 10:00
Chris Densham (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
02/12/2020, 10:20
Francesco Terranova (Univ. of Milano-Bicocca and INFN)
02/12/2020, 10:40
Jonathan Paley (Fermilab)
02/12/2020, 11:50
Yoshikazu Nagai (University of Colorado Boulder), Yoshikazu Nagai (University of Colorado at Boulder)
02/12/2020, 12:10
Chang Kee Jung (Stony Brook University)
02/12/2020, 12:30
Mary Bishai (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Mary Bishai
02/12/2020, 12:50
Building timetable...