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Indico will be unavailable on Wed., Dec 18th from 7 - 7:30am due to server maintenance.

16–18 Feb 2022
US/Central timezone

Contribution List

27 / 27
Yine Sun (Argonne National Lab.)
16/02/2022, 09:40
Andrea Latina (CERN)
16/02/2022, 10:00
Daniele Sertore (INFN Milano - LASA)
16/02/2022, 10:30
Joe Grames, Siddharth Karkare (Arizona State University)
16/02/2022, 13:30
Carlos Hernandez-Garcia, Daniele Filippetto (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
17/02/2022, 13:30
Spencer Gessner (SLAC)
18/02/2022, 10:00
Matthias Gross (DESY)
18/02/2022, 10:55
Tianzhe Xu (Northern Illinois University)
18/02/2022, 11:20
Carl Schroeder (LBL)
18/02/2022, 12:00
Erdong Wang (BNL), John Power (Argonne National Lab)
18/02/2022, 13:30