Quantum Sensors: Quantum Sensors 1
- Alexander Sushkov (Boston University)
- Andrew Geraci (Northwestern University)
Quantum Sensors: Quantum Sensors 2
- Andrew Geraci (Northwestern University)
- Alexander Sushkov (Boston University)
Quantum Sensors: Quantum Sensors 3
- Alexander Sushkov (Boston University)
- Andrew Geraci (Northwestern University)
Quantum Sensors: Quantum Sensors 4
- Andrew Geraci (Northwestern University)
- Alexander Sushkov (Boston University)
CUPID is a proposed upgrade to the ton-scale neutrinoless double beta decay experiment, CUORE which is current operating at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS). The primary background in CUORE are degraded $\alpha$'s, and CUPID aims to improve the background by over a factor of 100 by utilizing a two channel energy collection approach, light and heat. This will allow for event by...
Low-$T_c$ TES based radiation detectors are excellent choices for experiments in fundamental physics such as direct detection of low-mass dark matter, neutrino-less double beta decay search, and coherent neutrino nucleus scattering, owing to their advantages of low threshold, high energy resolution, and fast response time. We have been developing low-$T_c$ materials and devices with the goal...
TES based radiation detectors with highly multiplexed SQUID readout have been widely adapted in microcalorimeter based experiments and are the technology of choice of many next generation experiments (CMB-S4, Athena X-ray satellite and others) owing to their excellent energy resolution, threshold and their fast response. These properties also make them a very desirable choice for applications...
The Axion Resonant InterAction DetectioN Experiment (ARIADNE) will search for spin-dependent forces mediated by the QCD axion between an unpolarized Tungsten source mass and a sample of polarized helium-3 as the sensor by using a nuclear magnetic resonance based technique. The experiment relies on low magnetic gradients for the helium to remain polarized during transport to the sample cell,...
Nuclear magnetic resonance is one of the promising approaches in searching for axion-like dark matter. We report the first science results of the CASPEr-electric search for the EDM and the gradient couplings of axion-like dark matter to nuclear spins in the mass range of 162 neV to 166 neV. The experiment employs an ensemble of $^{207}$Pb nuclear spins inside a polarized ferroelectric solid...
Over 80% of the mass in the universe is made up of an invisible substance known as dark matter. But exactly is dark matter? This is a complete mystery. There are a number of hypotheses being tested by experiments throughout the world, among them the idea that dark matter is an ultralight bosonic field that interacts with atomic spins. The Global Network of Optical Magnetometers to search for...
Atom interferometers exploit spatially delocalized quantum states to make a wide variety of highly precise measurements. Recent technological advances have opened a path for atom interferometers to contribute to multiple areas at the forefront of modern physics, including searches for wave-like dark matter, gravitational wave detection, and fundamental quantum science. In this talk, I will...
Detection mechanisms for low mass bosonic dark matter candidates, such the axion or hidden photon, leverage potential interactions with electromagnetic fields, whereby the dark matter (of unknown mass) on rare occasion converts into a single photon. Current dark matter searches operating at microwave frequencies use a resonant cavity to coherently accumulate the field sourced by the dark...
I will discuss some of the most successful precision probes of fundamental physics to date, which make use of coherent systems of $\mathcal{O}(10^{23})$ particles to study extremely feeble beyond-the-standard-model interactions, such as fifth-forces, low mass dark matter and new sources of CP-violation. I will cover the systems which are currently the most sensitive to new scalar...
When properly engineered, simple quantum systems such as harmonic oscillators or spins can be excellent detectors of feeble forces and fields. Following a general introduction, I will focus on using optomechanical systems as sensors of weak acceleration and strain fields. Dark matter particles coupling to standard model fields and particles would produce a coherent strain or acceleration...
We study the quantum effects that are associated with the nuclear recoil electronic excitations in semiconductor crystals. Our studies exhibit a rate modulation in very low threshold semiconductor detectors, for dark matter (DM) mass < 1 GeV/c$^{2}$, that is correlated with the target nucleus recoil direction. This anisotropic quantum excitation threshold can be used to perform directional DM...
I will discuss the design of broadband dish antenna axion search experiments targeting the mass range 10 microeV to 10 millieV and the sensor requirements for discovery of QCD axions.
We present a fully data-driven approach for determining the spin-independent dark matter-electron scattering rate in any detector material. The scattering matrix element is completely determined by the complex dielectric function, which automatically contains all many-body effects and is directly measurable with X-ray scattering and electron energy-loss spectroscopy. We comment on the...