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10–14 Sep 2012
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Neutrino Time of Flight measurements utilizing the MINOS experiment

12 Sep 2012, 08:30
1 West (Wilson Hall)

1 West

Wilson Hall

Paper TOF and GPS Observations TOF and GPS Observations


Dr Phil Adamson (FNAL)


In the Fall of 2011 the OPERA experiment at CERN reported the measurement of Neutrinos travelling fast than the speed of light. This meant that an independent verification of these results needed to be performed. Fermilab is in a unique position to perform such measurements with the existing MINOS Neutrino beamline and immediately started to upgrade the existing infrastructure to perform high precision timing measurements between the Near and Far Detectors. This presentation provides an overview of the required upgrades and the measurement concept.

Primary author

Dr Phil Adamson (FNAL)

Presentation materials