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10–14 Sep 2012
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Survey and alignment design of HITFiL

11 Sep 2012, 11:40
1 West (Wilson Hall)

1 West

Wilson Hall

Kirk and Pine Streets, Batavia, IL
Poster Poster Presentations Poster Presentations (5 minutes per poster)


Mr Guozhu Cai (Institute of Modern Physics (IMP))Mr kaidi Man (Institute of Modern Physics (IMP))


Abstract: The biggest challenge of survey and alignment of HITFiL(Heavy ion Therthy Facilily in Lanzhou) is the tight positioning requirement and the big scale vertical beam installation. The laser trackers with their software –Spatial analyzer was used in the Survey and alignment of HITFiL, and the key survey steps are control network;fiducilization and installation. Particularly, error budget should be within 0.06mm for control network;fiducialization is 0.05mm,and installation is 0.08mm, which is a little smaller than the overall requirement of 0.10 mm. Besides the target of error control ,reliability , efficiency , cost are factors considered in the design. Key words: SpatialAnalyzer ;laser tracker; Survey and alignment of accelerator; Control network

Primary author

Mr Guozhu Cai (Institute of Modern Physics (IMP))


Mr kaidi Man (Institute of Modern Physics (IMP))

Presentation materials