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John Stupak - Univ Oklahoma - Searches for exotic decays of the Higgs boson to long-lived particles with the ATLAS detector


Conventional solutions to the hierarchy problem are becoming increasingly constrained experimentally.  The concept of neutral naturalness offers an alternative solution, which rather generically predicts the existence of exotic Higgs decays to metastable particles, a challenging signature that could easily evade conventional searches for new physics.  With lifetimes anywhere in the micron to kilometer range possible, a variety of search strategies are required in order to fully probe such scenarios.  This talk presents an overview of the ATLAS search program for such exotic Higgs decays, which utilizes various detector susbsystems to fully probe the range of possible lifetimes.

    • 11:00 11:45
      Searches for exotic decays of the Higgs boson to long-lived particles with the ATLAS detector 45m
      Speaker: John Stupak (University of Oklahoma)