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18 February 2021 to 3 March 2021
US/Central timezone

Anthony Ezeribe - University of Sheffield

Hi, I am Anthony Ezeribe, a Postdoc at the University of Sheffield, working (mainly) on DUNE APA production. Clearly, there have been immense progress and achievements by our Young DUNE over the past few years. This was evident in the level of talks from Young DUNE members in the last collaboration meeting and the number of successful programs we have organised. So, I believe my nomination to serve as a Young DUNE's Spokesperson Liaison was premised on the need to build on these great achievements. If elected, I will work to recommend programs that will focus on advancing careers of our PhD and early career researchers. I plan to work with our Young DUNE members to identify potential setbacks to member's research and professional development, then determine possible solutions to the cases for recommendation to the Spokespeople. I hope to work with the Spokespeople and other Young DUNE leadership to develop/organise mentorship programs for members which will encourage networking between our Young DUNE members and other members of the collaboration. I also plan to work with the Spokespeople to ensure that the excellent work of our Young DUNE members are recognised by nominating them for relevant Fermilab, collaboration, national and international awards/prizes.