Step 1: DUNE/GENIE membership
To take part in the hands-on activities, you'll need to be on either the DUNE or GENIE Collaboration member list. You can check if you are on the DUNE list here. If you are not, talk to your supervisor or representative to get on it.
Step 2: Accounts - do this NOW!
If you have a valid FNAL computing account with DUNE or GENIE, go to step 3.
If you have a valid FNAL computing account but are not on DUNE yet (say you have access to another experiment's resources), you can ask for a DUNE-specific account using the Service Now Computing Account Request form.
If you do not have any FNAL accounts yet, contact your supervisor and/or IB representative as soon as possible to obtain a Fermilab user account. More info:
Step 3: Computing Setup
You should be all set to follow the instructions in our wiki, including the quick exercise to confirm your full access.
Step 4: Hands-on setup
Please follow the instructions in the wiki to set up the environment for the hands-on activities.
If you have any questions, contact the organizers directly, at, or on DUNE Slack #nu_interactions_sm