ND Upstream DAQ WG meeting

    • 1
      ND upstream
      Speakers: Krzysztof Furman (Queen Mary University of London), William Panduro Vazquez

      Received information from Philip Rodrigues on how to do the last test we need

      - Option one: Use the DAQ module initialising functions from the DAQ framework (to be investigated now)

      - Option two: Instead of a unit test make it a full integration test using nanorc - this is expected to work without issue

      - Option one and a half: Make a wrapper or simple function for what goes into the readout thread, without requiring the DAQ framework

      Future plans:

      - Finish unit test

      - End to end integration test

      - Scaling to many PACMAN cards

      - Incorporating other readouts

    • 2
      ND Data selection and opmon
      Speaker: Alexander Booth (Queen Mary University of London)