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Dear All,

   As Snowmass co-conveners of the topical groups NF06, TF05, TF11, and RF04, we are organizing a three-day workshop together with USQCD, to be held remotely August 23–25 from 11 am to 2 pm ET each day. The main purpose of this workshop is to collect inputs from the community and facilitate the writing of the white paper “Theoretical tools for neutrino scattering: the interplay between lattice QCD, EFTs, nuclear physics, phenomenology, and neutrino event generators.”

The workshop will have 6 sessions devoted to the following topics:

  • LQCD calculations for neutrino-nucleus scattering (Coordinator: Mike Wagman)

  • Ab initio nuclear many-body studies for neutrino-nucleus scattering (Coordinator: Joe Carlson)

  • Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (Coordinator: Louis Strigari)

  • Neutrino-induced shallow and deep inelastic scattering (Coordinator: Natalie Jachowicz)

  • The needs of the neutrino experimental program (Coordinator: Kendall Mahn

  • Neutrino event generators (Coordinator: Steven Gardiner)

In each session, there will be two talks (~20 minutes each) overviewing the current status and vision for the next ten years and assessing the capabilities required for progress, followed by a discussion (~40 minutes) where the community is invited to provide their inputs. 

At the end of the last day, there will be six parallel sessions devoted to writing the community’s inputs. These working groups will be coordinated by the coordinators indicated above.

We welcome your participation in the discussion, which will be reflected in the white paper. If you cannot attend, please fill out this google form with any comments or additions. The form will remain open after the workshop. Below please find the workshop’s schedule.

We hope to see you at the workshop!


Snowmass NF06, TF05, TF11, and RF04 Organizers 

A. Baha Balantekin, Vincenzo Cirigliano, Zohreh Davoudi, Andre L. De Gouvea, Steven Gardiner, Rajan Gupta, Andreas S. Kronfeld, Kendall Mahn, Irina Mocioiu, Saori Pastore, Louis Strigari, Mike Wagman

slack channel


Zoom link:

Registration for this event is currently open.