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27–29 Oct 2021
US/Central timezone

Contribution List

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Alexander Valishev (Fermilab), Lisa Lopez (Fermilab)
27/10/2021, 10:00
Joseph Lykken (Fermilab), Nigel Lockyer (Fermilab)
27/10/2021, 10:10
Sergei Nagaitsev (FNAL)
27/10/2021, 10:20
Daniel Broemmelsiek (FNAL/AD/AST/FAST Facility Department)
27/10/2021, 11:20
James K Santucci (Fermilab)
27/10/2021, 13:00
Ihar Lobach, Ihar Lobach (The University of Chicago)
27/10/2021, 13:30
Aleksandr Romanov (Fermilab/AD/IOTA)
27/10/2021, 13:55
Alex Lumpkin (Fermilab), John Sikora (SLAC), Jorge Diaz Cruz (SLAC), Randy Thurman-Keup (Fermilab), bryce jacobson (slac)
27/10/2021, 15:00
Valeri Lebedev (Fermilab)
28/10/2021, 10:00
Daniel Broemmelsiek (FNAL/AD/AST/FAST Facility Department), Dean Edstrom (AD/APC/FAST)
28/10/2021, 11:10
Aleksandr Romanov (Fermilab/AD/IOTA), Alexander Valishev (Fermilab)
28/10/2021, 11:30
Alexander Valishev (Fermilab)
28/10/2021, 13:00
Giulio Stancari (Fermilab)
29/10/2021, 10:00
Nilanjan Banerjee (University of Chicago)
29/10/2021, 10:45
Chad Mitchell (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
29/10/2021, 13:00
Michael Blaskiewicz (Brookhaven National Lab)
29/10/2021, 15:00
29/10/2021, 15:45
Alexander Valishev (Fermilab)
29/10/2021, 15:50

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