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14–15 Oct 2021
US/Central timezone

Token Transition Report: CMS

14 Oct 2021, 12:30


Marco Mascheroni (FNAL)


The CMS experiment relies on many softwares provided by the Open Science Grid (OSG) for its computing needs. HTCondor and GlideinWMS are two examples of OSG maintained tools used in the workload management area. As the upcoming OSG series 3.6 plans to remove any dependency from the Grid Community Toolkit, experiments have to adopt alternatives for softwares like GridFTP (data transfer), and GSI (authentication and authorization infrastructure).

This contribution reports the status of the transition toward a token based authorization for the CMS experiment, with particular focus on the usage of SCITOKENS for pilot submission toward Grid sites, and IDTokens for communications between HTCondor daemons. An overview of the efforts done to migrate the transfer infrastructure toward a token based approach to file transfers will also be given.

Presentation materials