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Tianlai Analysis Teleconference



1)  Tianlai/BAORadio Collaboration Meeting planning - draft schedule is in last week's Minutes

2)  WIYN/Hydra proposal for more time is due October 15 - should we propose?  

John and Greg say YES!   We need second passes on many tiles to pick up bright galaxies for which we should be able to get redshifts but missed for a variety of reasons - usually something to do with fiber placement issues that the simulator isn't able to anticipate.  There are also dimmer galaxies (down to our 19th mag limit) that we need to target for the first time or which we could get additional integration time on.  On some nights we have had relatively poor observing conditions, so the efficiency of redshift determination is lower than expected.  John has not systematically studied how this efficiency improves with integration time, but expects it is a slow process (1/sqrt time).

Plan:  Peter will set up new Overleaf document;  Greg will meet with Jocelyn about tile selection and try to determine how many tiles we want to target. 

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 08:30 08:32
      See Agenda/ Minutes Above 2m
    • 08:32 08:52
      Planning for Tianlai/BAORadio collaboration meeting - see last week's minutes 20m
      Speakers: Peter Timbie (UW Madison), Xuelei Chen (NAOC)
    • 08:52 09:12
      WIYN/Hydra observations - proposal for more time is due October 15. 20m
      Speaker: Peter Timbie (UW Madison)