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Indico will be unavailable on Monday Feb 17th from 4:30-5PM CST due to server maintenance.

IF08 Workshop 1 (TOPIC 2: Develop new modalities for signal detection)

    • 15:00 15:05
      Introduction 5m

      Reminder of the proposed plans

      Speakers: Carl Dahl, Jennifer Raaf (Fermilab), Roxanne Guenette (Harvard University)
    • 15:05 15:17
      Ultra-Low-Threshold (Cryogenic) Detectors with Quasi-Particle Sensing 12m
      Speakers: Daniel McKinsey (University of California, Berkeley), Scott Haselschwardt, Scott Hertel (UMass Amherst)
    • 15:17 15:29
      Barium Tagging 12m
      Speakers: Benjamin Jones (UTA), William Fairbank
    • 15:29 15:41
      Metastable Fluids 12m
      Speakers: Carl Dahl (Northwestern University), Carl Dahl, Prof. Matthew Szydagis (UAlbany SUNY)
    • 15:41 15:53
      Directionality/Micron-Precision Spatial Reconstruction 12m
      Speakers: David Caratelli (Fermilab), Dr Elena Gramellini (Fermilab), Jeff Martoff (Temple University)
    • 15:53 15:58
      Wrap-up and next steps 5m
      Speakers: Carl Dahl, Jennifer Raaf (Fermilab), Roxanne Guenette (Harvard University)