EF03 Heavy flavor and top




Bi-weekly meeting of Snowmass energy frontier topical group EF03 (top and heavy flavor production). We have time for updates from people working on Snowmass studies. We will also have plenty of time for discussion. 

The meeting will be on zoom at https://msu.zoom.us/j/99445309904?pwd=eXgwQThYUVNJUHY5MmJmcUJsRnczZz09 which is zoom room 99445309904 The meeting password on zoom is 202021.

Victor Miralles:
- p11:  why not include differential cross-section for ttbar? Working on this
- Uncertainty assumptions for HL-LHC - this is similar to guidelines used for Higgs HL-LHC studies,  this corresponds to the optimistic scenario.
  - improvements on ttbar much harder to do, for the processes that are included here (rarer processes), people are working on this, and we can expect improvements.
  - PDFs are limiting at high invariant masses right now due to limited knowledge of gluon PDF at high x, but not yet in the range that we’re considering here.

- Discussions ongoing with Junping and Eleni on how to incorporate this into a global Higgs/EW/top fit. Both Marcel and Eleni are now members of the global fit team with Junping.
- Also discussing other possible operators (like 4-top) and other 4-fermion operators
- Eleni could provide complete set of parameterization for LHC
- Maybe can merge Higgs/EW part into this fit, to make this work in HEPfit since the framework is already there. All of the groundwork has been done already for this, Higgs observables have been coded up the same way that you’re using top observables here.

Zhite Yu:
p6: gL and gR depend linearly on C, so sensitivity is small because g^2 is what appears here. There could still be sensitivity to other operators, but this would have to be investigated. Also, it would give sensitivity to dim 6 operators quadratic terms. 
- If there are observables that are sensitive to the quadratic terms (like this one), then it’s important to include them, but otherwise usually only the linear terms are included. This needs to be checked case by case, LHC community is working on a prescription for this.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 09:00 09:10
      Introduction 10m
      Speakers: Doreen Wackeroth (University at Buffalo, SUNY), Reinhard Schwienhorst (Michigan State University)
    • 09:10 09:30
      HL-LHC and e+e- inputs to global fits 20m
      Speaker: Victor Miralles (IFIC-UV)
    • 09:40 09:50
      Azimuthal Angular Correlation as a Boosted Top Jet Substructure 10m
      Speaker: Zhite Yu (Michigan State University)