0) Introductions of new (or recent) students:
- Samit - grad student at IITI
- Harsha - grad student at IITI
- Lily Robinthal (recent graduate from Evergreen State (Olympia, WA), now at UW
- Yanlin Yu - recent graduate from UW
1) Sun removal paper submitted - congratulations to Anh and Santanu!
2) Status of low-z simulations paper - Olivier & Reza. See Dec 22 Indico page for latest version.
3) TAC Hacksession at UW on Weds Jan 19. John & Albert visiting in person. All others are welcome to join through our usual Zoom call.
- summary of hardware tests of correlator. Tests on (both dish and) cylinder correlators? Jixia
- low-z simulations - Olivier & Reza
- correlated noise - presentation/discussion by John Podczerwinski/ David Kwak
- WIYN survey -
- analysis so far - John, Albert
- verification of some redshifts with NED catalog - Lily
- NCCS/GAIA cross-correlation - Olivier
- plans for next observations - Greg, John
- other....
4) Pulsar detections with Tianlai cylinder - Zijie Yu
- detected 1st and 3d brightest pulsars in Northern Sky, but can't detect Crab pulsar. Not sure why not. Clearly detecting other signal from Crab.
- dispersion measures consistent with literature
- looking just at XX polarization for now
- Yichao - can you do a stacking analysis to improve SNR? Fengquan - not yet; limited by software
- is pulsar data in standard format?
- how are you doing the de-dispersion?
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