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14–23 Jun 2012
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
US/Central timezone


EM calorimetry

16 Jun 2012, 11:00
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Batavia, Illinois


EM calorimetry: joint with Muons

  • David Hitlin (Caltech)
  • Milind Diwan (BNL)

EM calorimetry

  • David Hitlin (Caltech)
  • Milind Diwan (BNL)

EM calorimetry

  • David Hitlin (Caltech)
  • Milind Diwan (BNL)

EM calorimetry

  • Milind Diwan (BNL)
  • David Hitlin (Caltech)


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Presentation materials

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Prof. David Hitlin (Caltech)
16/06/2012, 11:00
EM calorimetry
Prof. William Molzon (University of California, Irvine)
16/06/2012, 11:10
EM calorimetry
Fritz DeJongh (Fermilab)
16/06/2012, 11:30
EM calorimetry
Prof. David Hitlin (Caltech)
16/06/2012, 11:55
EM calorimetry
Dr Ren-yuan Zhu (Caltech)
16/06/2012, 16:00
Dr Peter Winter (U of Washington)
16/06/2012, 16:25
16/06/2012, 17:00
EM calorimetry
Dr Laurence Littenberg (BNL)
18/06/2012, 08:50
Corrado Gatto (INFN)
18/06/2012, 09:15
Dr Anna Mazzacane (Fermilab)
18/06/2012, 09:40
EM calorimetry
Dr Andrei Poblaguev (Yale)
18/06/2012, 14:00
Dr Minfang Yeh (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
18/06/2012, 14:25
Elizabeth Worcester (BNL)
18/06/2012, 14:50
Prof. Yuri Kamyshkov (University of Tennessee)
18/06/2012, 15:15
EM calorimetry
18/06/2012, 15:25
Building timetable...