Plenary Session
- Stephen Holmes (Fermilab)
Plenary Session
- Andreas Kronfeld (Fermilab)
Plenary Session
- Michael Albrow (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Plenary Session
- Erik Ramberg (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Plenary Session
- Robert Tschirhart (Fermilab)
Plenary Session
- Kevin Pitts (University of Illinois)
Plenary Session
- Stephen Parke (Fermilab)
Plenary Session
- Roni Harnik (FNAL)
Rabindra Mohapatra
(University of Maryland)
14/06/2012, 12:00
Neutron-antineutron oscillations
William Michael Snow
(Indiana U.)
14/06/2012, 14:00
Neutron-antineutron oscillations
Geoffrey GREENE
14/06/2012, 14:30
Large-area, cost-effective detectors
Mike Shaevitz
(Columbia University)
15/06/2012, 08:20
Neutrino experiments
Mary Bishai
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
15/06/2012, 08:50
Neutrino experiments
Hendrik Weerts
(Argonne National Laboratory)
15/06/2012, 10:40
Ed Kearns
(Boston University)
15/06/2012, 11:10
Large-area, cost-effective detectors