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14–23 Jun 2012
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
US/Central timezone


Lattice QCD

16 Jun 2012, 11:00
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Batavia, Illinois


Lattice QCD: EDMs

  • Thomas Blum ()
  • Ruth Van de Water ()

Lattice QCD: nucleon decay

  • Ruth Van de Water (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
  • Tom Blum ()

Lattice QCD: muon g-2

  • Tom Blum ()
  • Ruth Van de Water (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Lattice QCD: pion and kaon physics

  • Tom Blum ()
  • Ruth Van de Water (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Lattice QCD: muon g-2

  • Thomas Blum ()
  • Ruth Van de Water ()

Lattice QCD: computing

  • Thomas Blum ()
  • Ruth Van de Water ()

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Emanuele Mereghetti (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
16/06/2012, 11:00
Lattice QCD
Eigo Shintani (RIKEN-BNL)
16/06/2012, 11:30
Lattice QCD
Tanmoy Bhattacharya (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
16/06/2012, 12:00
Lattice QCD
Taku Izubuchi (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
16/06/2012, 16:00
Saul Cohen (University of Washington)
16/06/2012, 16:30
Brad Plaster (University of Kentucky)
16/06/2012, 17:00
Christopher Aubin (Fordham University)
18/06/2012, 09:00
Jack Laiho (University of Glasgow)
18/06/2012, 14:00
Norman Christ (Columbia University)
18/06/2012, 14:45
Santi Peris (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
19/06/2012, 09:00
Saul Cohen (University of Washington)
19/06/2012, 09:30
Taku Izubuchi (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
19/06/2012, 10:00
Don Holmgren (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
19/06/2012, 14:00
19/06/2012, 14:30
Building timetable...