9:00 AM
Landscape of Neutrino Physics
Francis Halzen
9:45 AM
Earth's matter effect in neutrino oscillation
Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla
(Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar)
11:00 AM
Current Understanding of the Earth's Core
Francis Nimmo
11:25 AM
Neutrino Tomography of the Earth: the Potential of ORCA Detector
Serguey Petcov
(SISSA/INFN, Trieste, Italy)
11:50 AM
Current Understanding of Inner Core Structure and Open Questions
Keith Koper
(University of Utah)
12:15 PM
Measuring the Earth's outer core composition using neutrino oscillations
Joao Coelho
(Tufts University)
2:00 PM
An overview of the core-mantle boundary region from seismological studies
Michael Thorne
(University of Utah)
2:25 PM
Unstable structure and dynamics in Earth’s deepest mantle
Mingming Li
2:50 PM
Neutrino oscillation tomography of the Earth and core composition with large water cherenkov detector
Akimichi Taketa
(Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo)
3:45 PM
Validating the Earth's Core using Atmospheric Neutrinos with ICAL at INO
Anil Kumar
(Insitute of Physics, Bhubaneswar. Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai)
4:10 PM
Superionic H-bearing iron alloys in the Earth's inner core
Wenzhong Wang
(University College London)
4:35 PM
Observing the Earth’s Core with Neutrino Oscillations
Rebekah Pestes
(Virginia Tech)
5:00 PM
Neutrino Earth tomography in DUNE
Ivan Martinez Soler
(Harvard University)