February 16, 2022
US/Central timezone

Snowmass Agora #3 on Future Colliders: Muon Colliders will held on 16 February, 2022.   Please register for the event to receive the ZOOM link to attend. The registration will be open throughout the event.

Google docs for  submitting questions ahead of time is at the link here.

In the context of the Snowmass 2021 Community Planning Exercise, the Accelerator and Energy Frontiers are pleased to announce a series of events, intended for all Snowmass participants, to critically discuss physics and technical aspects of different HEP collider concepts.

 The events will be hosted by the Future Colliders initiative at Fermilab. The plan is to discuss both near and far future collider proposals, in different stages of development, synergistically grouped into five categories: 

  • Linear e+e- colliders 
  • Circular e+e- colliders 
  • Muon colliders 
  • Circular pp and ep 
  • Advanced colliders 

 The events will take place once a month from December 2021 till April 2022, on Wednesdays 3-5 p.m. CST. The detailed agenda will be announced soon. We request you to please save the following dates:

  • Dec. 15, 2021
  • Jan. 19, 2022
  • Feb. 16, 2022
  • Mar. 16, 2022
  • Apr. 13, 2022

 A "Collider discussion’’ will be further organized during the Energy Frontier Meeting planned for the week of March 28.

These events are meant to be focused critical discussions of classes of colliders that share similar concepts, and will have to specifically address both physics and feasibility considering aspects such as:

  • physics reach
  • challenges and R&D required
  • synergy of project with global context (comparative dis/advantages)
  • synergy of project with local resources  
  • time frame (short-term R&D, long-term construction)
  • Costs projections: both R&D and construction costs

Each event will consist of a set of brief presentations followed by a discussion session led by assigned moderators to encourage audience participation.

 A summary of the discussion and highlights will be documented as a short report on this series, which will feed into Snowmass contributed papers by EF and AF.

With best regards,

 The Program Committee:

EF conveners: Meenakshi Narain, Laura Reina,  Alessandro Tricoli,

AF conveners: Steve Gourlay, Tor Raubenheimer, Vladimir Shiltsev

Fermilab Future Colliders group: Pushpa Bhat, Joel Butler

Registration for this event is currently open.