OSG and U.S. LHC: Session 1
- Robert Gardner (University of Chicago)
- Andrew Melo (Vanderbilt University)
OSG and U.S. LHC: Session 2
- Shawn McKee (Univ. of Michigan)
- David Mason (FNAL)
First session covering Object Store in Xrootd, Networking and Blueprinting HPC and Clouds. Second session covers IRIS-HEP Analysis Grand Challenge, Token transition and Data Lake/Caching topics.
This session brings together the two major HEP experiments that rely on XRootD to discuss common needs with respect to the code base. The discussion will also include how best to continue to jointly support existing and future devlopment of the framework in areas of mutual concern.
Network activities and how to make progress: site real-time traffic monitoring, packet marking, flow labeling, traffic shaping and traffic orchestration. What are the current status of each of these, what should facilities prepare for, what are the associated timelines?
Discussion topic on HPC and Clouds: Issues, plans and status. How do we make progress here? Accounting challenges (non-pledged and how to properly gain credit). What role will these play in our facilities. Are there logical places for USATLAS and USCMS to collaborate?
Also in this session a lightning talk on benchmarking and cloud bursting into the Azure cloud (Erik Gough / Purdue)
IRIS-HEP analysis grand challenge discussion: Goals for this challenge, how best to collaborate, milestones and schedule .
Token transition and its impact on our facilities and distributed computing, including timelines and Run-3 readiness. How and when are our facilities transitioning things? Timelines for deployment of upgraded versions. Concerns and possible action items?
Caching/Data Lake infrastructure: what the the plans and technologies being considered? Where are there areas to collaborate?
Two talks:
Matt Snyder, RUCIO QoS Current State (10m)
Shigeki Misawa, Tape Storage for warm data (10m)