WIYN Observing: Greg says Heidi approved our plan to have Tim train by assisting on observations with Albert on March 7 and/or Greg on March 8 so that he can observed on March 9 by himself. Fallback plan is for Albert to observe on March 9 (poor weather on 7th and 8th, etc.) We could train other people at this time as well, but best to choose people who will be around for a while. Jocelyn is in touch with John M. about target selection.
Low-z forecast paper: Olivier has posted below the latest version. Now has complete section on NCP; turns out SDSS galaxy density is similar to that expected for the WIYN survey, so rotating SDSS sky to NCP is especially relevant. Address comments/suggestions to Olivier and Reza.
Ground pickup and cross-correlation:
- Albert is using both a simple (Hertzian dipole) beam model and the CST beam model to estimate contributions to visibilities from the ground. Assumes only a flat, 300 K Earth. Main contribution is from a line along the ground perpendicular to the baseline vector, from the dishes to the horizon. Order of magnitude is ~ hundreds of mK. Detailed calculation would require knowing the emissivity of the soil and the topography. Would also require accounting beam blockage by other dishes in the array. More to come on future call.
- Do we have beam sims for full array (which would include beam blockage by adjacent dishes)? Some were created for Juyong's drone paper...
- Need a model for the atmosphere at large column depths at these frequencies. Is ionosphere important?
- Given complex dielectric constant for soil, we could estimate reflected signal from the Sun (similar to the early 'sea interferometer' in Australia!)
- Fengquan is working to get a topographical map of the Tianlai region.
Data storage/sharing:
- iRODS test from Fermilab? - Albert has on his to-do list
- speed up Siddharth's access? - Albert says Siddharth has been approved for Fermilab computer access, now Albert needs to get him access to Tianlai01.
Upcoming conferences/ abstract submission:
- SAZERAC conference abstracts: (online March 14 - 17)
- Fengquan Wu: Global spectrum experiment
- Yidong Xu: Small scale absorption effects on neutral islands
- Xuelei Chen: DSL: the lunar orbit array
- Yuan Shi: Global spectrum measurement from lunar orbit
- Shijie Sun: EM Simulation for the Tianlai cylinder
- Wenkai Hu: HI absorbers in the FAST drift scan survey
- Peter Timbie: Overview of Tianlai Dish Array
- European Astronomical Society Meeting coming up June 27 - July 1 : in Valencia. Abstracts due March 1 https://eas.unige.ch/EAS2022/
21 cm Cosmology Workshop planning:
- when? late summer? fall?
- where? online?
- hasn't been in US in 5 years. Wisconsin? Fontana (on Lake Geneva) is a nice spot.
- we could focus on results from CHIME - ask Richard or student of Gary Hinshaw's or others to come....
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