Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be down for maintenance on Wednesday, July 17th from 7-7:30 am.

25–28 Apr 2022
America/Chicago timezone

Review Documentation

The review will take place in Zoom. For the open session the Zoom connection will be: (a passcode is required that will be distributed via a separate E-mail - DUNE members with access to DocDB can open the PDF file in DocDB-25020: certificate access / password access

In case of problem accessing the documents in EDMS please contact Cheng-Ju Lin


List of PDR documents in Excel (spreadsheet in EDMS with links to all the documents, please use this link to access the documentation for the first time: it provides additional information for each document that is not available when using the short cuts below).

Questions and Answers April 28, 2022

DUNE FD2-VD BDE PDR Review Committee Report



DUNE FD2 Conceptual Design Report  (Chap 4: Charge Readout Electronics)

Requirements and Specifications

Interface Documents



Frontend Motherboard (FEMB) Schematics, Layout, and BOM

Warm Interface Electronics Crate (WIEC):

Power and Timing Card (PTC) schmatics, layout, and BOM

Warm Interface Board (WIB)

Mechanical Drawings:

Cable and Wire Documentation:

Production Testing:

ProtoDUNE-1 lessons learned (updated doc available soon)

Institutional MOUs: FD1FD2