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Tianlai Analysis Teleconference

Peter Timbie (UW-Madison), Peter Timbie



WIYN observations - Tim & Albert.   First two nights have gone well.  11 out of 12 tiles observed on night 1 and 13/12 on night two.  Clear skies.  One more night tonight.

Low-z simulation paper- Olivier & Reza.  Comments needed now in text.   Go ahead and fix obvious errors.   Albert - Clarify what we mean by 'HI clumps'.   We are sensitive to both HI overdensities and underdensities (voids).   Replace beam plot in appendix with just equation?

TDA ground pickup & cross talk analyses - Albert - seems we have a combination of 'correlated noise' from ground pickup and cross-coupling.   Time dependence from gain variations?   Check plots in Wu et al. about what we know about gain stability from pt source calibration and from CNS.   Check dependence of expect ground pickup and cross-talk on pointing of the array (NCP vs zenith).   Also check delay spectra of sims and observations.

EM Simulations of Tianlai Cylinders - Shijie - crosstalk between feeds has been simulated.  As expected, it decreases with separation.  Can be as large as 1 K for adjacent feeds, falling to 100's of mK at larger distances.   Frequency structure seems similar to observations, but calibration (in K) is not clear.  Albert - there could be ground pickup here as well.

HI absorbers found in FAST survey - Youngang - 2 HI absorbers detected, at z = 0.07 and 0.09.  Searched for counterparts in SDSS catalog.  Objects within 2" are dim (r <= 19) and have only photometric redshifts with large errors.  Does DESI have spectra for them?  Yougang has asked and the answer is no.  (Albert will ask his contacts as well.)  2.6 m telescope at NAOC couldn't get spectra.   Could we apply for WIYN time (3.5 m) to see these?   Crowded field, so slit spectrograph would be better than fibers.  Peter will check how deep people have gotten spectra.

SAZERAC workshop March 14 - 17. 

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 07:30 07:31
      Minutes are posted for last meeting (March 2) 1m
    • 07:35 07:45
      Status of WIYN observations? (Monday, Tues, Weds)- Greg 10m
    • 07:45 08:00
      Update on Tianlai Low-z forecast paper - Comments due now! 15m
      Speaker: Olivier Perdereau (IJCLab)
    • 08:00 08:20
      Update on ground pickup and cross-correlation 20m
      Speaker: Albert Stebbins (Fermilab)
    • 08:20 08:40
      EM Simulations of Cylinder (link to Overleaf in Minutes) 20m
      Speaker: Shijie Sun (NAOC)
    • 08:40 09:00
      2 HI absorbers in FAST data! Optical follow up with WIYN? 20m
      Speaker: Dr Yougang Wang (NAOC)
    • 09:00 09:20
      Presentations at SAZERAC - does anyone need to discuss? 20m