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11–12 Sep 2012
Washington DC
US/Eastern timezone

Internet map and simulation

11 Sep 2012, 13:05
Room A (Washington DC)

Room A

Washington DC

American Geophysical Union 2000 Florida Ave NW 20009 Washington DC


Dr Jelena Mirkovic (USC/ISI)


Many networking problems and solutions are distributed and collaborative. To investigate them we need a realistic, detailed model of the Internet and ideally a simulator that would work with that model to simulate problems/solutions of interest at just the right level of granularity. In my prior research I've worked on creating detailed models of Internet routing, address space, traffic, communication patterns and vulnerability distribution so I could evaluate worm and spoofing defenses. In all cases accurate models made a world of difference, but getting them took months to years. Such work is an overhead for researchers that do not focus on Internet mapping/simulation - they can either lose time on it and pass up research opportunities or they can adopt naive models and reach wrong results. My future research consists of two parts: an Internet map that can easily integrate data from multiple sources and export it and a distributed network simulator that can interact with the exported Internet model in a customizable manner, and whose level of simulation granularity and details can also be customized. I've done some preliminary work on hard questions, such as how to combine data of different granularity, how to infer missing data or fix incomplete data, how to achieve simulation at different levels of granularity, etc.

Primary author

Dr Jelena Mirkovic (USC/ISI)

Presentation materials