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11–12 Sep 2012
Washington DC
US/Eastern timezone

Scientific Programme

The workshop will consist of the following three parts. For a detailed timeline, please follow the "Timetable" link.

- The first part will take place during the first day of the workshop, from 8:30am until about 3pm.
- It will include talks by invited speakers and authors that have submitted abstracts.
- The first presentation will be a 45-min keynote by Dr. Ian Foster (ANL and Univ-Chicago), including 5 minutes for Q&A.
- The keynote will be followed by short talks from invited speakers and authors that submitted abstracts. The duration of these talks will be limited to 12 minutes (10 minutes for the presentation and 2 minutes for any clarification questions).
- The previous talks will offer us the raw technical material that will inform and drive the discussion during the second and third parts of the workshop.
- The main objective of these short presentations should be to give the author's perspectives on the research challenges, state of the art, and potential breakthroughs in the area of computational modeling of large networks.

- The second part will take place during the last two hours of the first day (from 3:30 to about 5:30).
- The objective of Part-2 will be to reflect on what was presented in Part-1, and to identify specific themes, questions or research topics that will be discussed during Part-3.

- The third part will take place during the second day of the workshop.
- It will be structured as a sequence of discussion sessions, with each session focusing on a specific topic or question (identified in Part-2).
- Each discussion session will have 2-3 discussion leaders. We anticipate three discussion sessions, each lasting 90 minutes.

For a detailed timeline, please follow the "Timetable" link.