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16–17 May 2012
Brookhaven National Lab
EST timezone

List of registrants

23 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Amitoj Singh Fermilab
Bakul Banerjee Fermilab
Berndt Mueller Duke University
Chip Watson Jefferson Lab
Colin Jessop University of Notre Dame
Don Holmgren Fermilab
Frank Quarant Brookhaven National Lab
geoffroy vallee Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Julius Kuti University of California, San Diego
Kostas Orginos Orginos William and Mary / Jlab
Norman Christ Columbia University
Paul Eugenio Florida State University
Paul Mackenzie Fermilab
Peter Petreczky BNL
Richard Brower Boston University
Robert Edwards Jefferson Lab
Robert Mawhinney Columbia University
Ruth Van de Water Brookhaven National Lab
Shane Canon LBNL
Ted Barnes DOE/NP
Thomas Appelquist Yale University
Thomas Schlagel Brookhaven National Laboratory
Vicky White Fermilab