Present: Chris, Inés, Laura, Frank, Leo, Orlando, Sara, Poonam, Viktor, Jeremy
Policy discussion (initiated by Chris and Inés):
- spurred by the fact that at present, there is no well-defined procedure to ensure that results shown at conferences have been approved
- approval of results ought to happen within Working Groups: even this concept needs a better definition (proposal: detector consortia + physics groups)
- this needs to come with a mechanism to reposit approved plots (there is an existing procedure but that is felt to be too complicated)
- along with a procedure to supersede (“un-approve”) results
- within the APB, no strong opinion exists about keeping the approval of conference proceedings in its purview
- especially as the proceedings review is so disconnected from the approval of the presentation (which is with the SC)
- discusssion:
- different views exist on the question whether (for the purpose of conference presentations or posters) it is sufficient to have just approved plots (with “extended” captions) or (alternatively) it is necessary/desirable to approve a more coherent document with “preliminary” status
- Chris and Inés will draft a document, which aims to address the above, and will then iterate with us
- the idea is to collect all policy items in one document (likely docdb-1115)
- this won’t happen in time for IB approval next week (even if Alfons has been notified of this topic coming up), so in the interim a different solution will need to be found
Soliciting ARC volunteers:
Plot style: Jeremy updated us on the work done on this topic:
- recruited 5 Young DUNE volunteers to help out
- have nearly converged on recommendations
- work on actual tools is ongoing
- Chris suggested that Jeremy contact Elizabeth Worcester, who has what’s probably a good starting point
Tentative plan: organise another meeting (shortly) after the CM
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