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CSS PC meeting

Gordon Watts (University of Washington), Joel Butler (Fermilab), Shih-Chieh Hsu (University of Washington)


Former PC meetings:


Steering group members:

DPF Chair line:

Joel Butler (Co-chair, FNAL), Tao Han (Pittsburgh), Sekhar Chivukula (UCSD), Andre de Gouvea (Northwestern), Young-Kee Kim (Chicago), Prisca Cushman (Minnesota)

Divisional representatives: 

Glennys Farrar (DAP, NYU), Yury Kolomensky (DNP, UC Berkeley), Sergei Nagaitsev (DPB, FNAL), Nicolas Yunes (DGRAV, UIUC)


Frontier representatives:

Ketevi Assamagan (Community Engagement, BNL)

Phil Barbeau (Instrumentation, Duke)

Nathaniel Craig (Theory, UCSB)

Ben Nachman (Computing, LBNL)

Meenakshi Narain (Energy, Brown)

John Orrell (Underground Facilities, PNNL)

Alexey Petrov (Rare processes/Precision, Wayne State)

Vladimir Shiltsev (Accelerator, FNAL)

Tim Tait (Cosmic, UC Irvine)

Elizabeth Worcester (Neutrino Frontier, BNL)


Early Career members: 

Garvita Agarwal (PhD student, Univ. Buffalo, CMS), Jacob Zettlemoyer (Postdoc, FNAL, CEvNS)


CSS Local Organizing Committee Chairs:

Gordon Watts (PC co-chair, UW), Shih-Chieh Hsu (PC co-chair, UW)