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15 July 2022
US/Central timezone

The discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC in 2012 was a monumental achievement for humanity and a major milestone in the history of particle physics.   We celebrate the 10th anniversary of the discovery, reflecting on the achievement and what we have learnt in the intervening ten years and what we aspire to learn about this remarkable particle in the coming years and decades at the LHC and, hopefully, at future colliders.

Please register for the event.  Due to COVID restrictions, as of now (July 6) only 49 people are allowed to attend the event in person.  We invite you to join us on zoom, once we exceed the allowed in-person attendance.  If this restriction of in-person quota is eliminated by the time of the event, we invite all those who can attend in person at Fermilab to do so, even if you registered as attending remotely via zoom.
