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To discuss CEF sessions of July 19


Meeting ID: 976 6642 9141

Passcode: CEF

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the agendas of the CEF sessions of July 19, parallel in the morning and plenary session in the afernoon



    • 12:20 12:40
      CEF parallel session in the moring of July 19 20m
    • 12:40 13:00
      CEF plenary session in the afternoon of July 19 20m

      Each of you will have time to talk about a major recommendation from your topical group; You select which major recommendation you would like to communicate; However, your selected recommendation needs to address one particular topic / issue in our community. That means all the 7 recommendations are linked to paint a global picture. For example, let’s take this topic, ”How to improve diversity, equity and inclusion in HEP

      1) Introduction / overview (CEF) — Kétévi;
      2) Community marginalization and needs to improve (CEF03)—Mu-Chun;
      3) Empowering marginalized communities through education (CEF04)—Sudhir;
      4) Structural changes for effective engagements toward marginalized communities (CEF05)—Kathryn;
      5) DEI impact on career pipelines, development and retention (CEF02)—Julie;
      6) DEI in HEP-industry dynamics (CEF01) — Farah;
      7) Policy implementations to improve DEI (CEF06)—Louise;
      8) DEI and Societal and environmental impacts — Ken;
      9) Implementation (Breese)
      10) Questions / Answers session (24 min)