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T-980 Meeting - Low Energy Crystal Estimates for the Recycler

Penthouse (Booster West Towers)


Booster West Towers

Meeting May 31, 2012:    Annala, Still, Shiltsev, Prevatali,Carrigan,Shin,Johnson,Drohzdin.

V. Shiltsev gave a talk on the details and justificaiton of setting up a real study in the Recycler using a short .3mm crystal and a pulsed dogleg bump to create a beam extraction process.  He showed that using a crystal over a resonant extraction can be accomplished in a smaller aperture machine like the RR.  The technigue looks interesting and promising for such programs as mu2e.   The pulsed dogleg has already been demonstrated and parts are here at the lab.

S. Drozhdin showed slides for details of simulations for  losses for using short crytsals at low energy in the RR 8 Gev for an experiment at RR62.  These simulations look very promising and demonstratable.


People felt very enthusiastic about conducting these experiments.    We discussed how this should take place and deicided some paths to accomplish a demonstration of these technigue could be 1)  setup up simple experiment at RR62 and produce a demonstration of  CH with a  the short crystal and collimator at low energy 8Gev. 2) a more complicated demonstration of extraction could be setup at RR52 using the proposed pusled dogleg.  The problem with using the RR is that it will be under great demand once beam returns to commission for the NOVA area.   A third idea was proposed 3) setup an experiment in the debuncher using short crystals and pulsed dogleg.  Debuchner beam time is possible for a year in 2013 however, details of setting up experiment and simulations to need to be conducted.   The overall feeling was to have IHEP manufacture these crystals since that will be a considerable amount of time.   Once the crystal is created and characterized, details for the experiment could be worked out.  Again there is much work to be conducted to get ready for an experiment in any tunnel.  Time windows will be begin to close if we cannot make a reasonable proposal.  
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:00 10:30
      Proposal and simulations for low energy bent crystal in RR 30m
      Speaker: Dr Vladimir Shiltsev (FNAL)
    • 10:20 10:50
      Simulations for low energy short bent crystal in the RR 30m
      Speaker: Dr Alexandr Drozhdin (FNAL)