The review will take place in Zoom. For the open session the Zoom connection will be: (a passcode is required that will be distributed via a separate E-mail - DUNE members with access to DocDB can open the PDF file in DocDB-26728: certificate access / password access
In case of problem accessing the documents in EDMS please contact Cheng-Ju Lin
FD1 TPC Electronics Final Review Documentation:
The first two documents are good starting point for the reviewers to jump start on this document-based review.
- FD1 TDR Chapter on TPC Electronics ( This TDR chapter has been extensively updated for the review. It's a good place for people to read about the full TPC electronics system and scope.
- FDR support document ( This document describes the design evolution (e.g. differences between PDR and FDR design), performance results, and QA/QC plan.
- Complete list of the review documentation is provided in the excel file in EDMS#2783308. Instructions on how to navigate the spreadsheet is given in the presentation Documentation For The Review.
Review committee report on the DUNE FD1 TPC Electronics FDR