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Indico will be unavailable on Monday Feb 17th from 4:30-5PM CST due to server maintenance.

Dec 14 – 16, 2022
America/Chicago timezone

The event is organized jointly by the Snowmass Muon Collider Forum and Fermilab Future Colliders Group. It is primarily dedicated to Muon Collider physics and detector design (including machine-detector interface discussions). It aims to engage a broader participation in Muon Collider physics within the US community. Collaboration with IMCC and next steps will also be discussed.

The event is in-person only. Registration is now closed.

On Dec 15-16th we will be in 1West meeting room on the 1st floor of the Wilson Hall (except for Thursday early afternoon session, which is in the Ramsey Auditorium). The tutorial on Dec 14th will take place in the Sunrise meeting room, on the 11th floor of the Wilson Hall, North East corner of the building. 

Workshop reception for the participants will take place on Thursday Dec 15th. 

Organizing Committee:

Pushpa Bhat, Sergo Jindariani (Fermilab, Future Colliders Group)

Karri DiPetrillo (University of Chicago/Fermilab)

Kevin Black, Sridhara Dasu (Wisconsin)

Tova Holmes (Tennessee)

Patrick Meade (Stony Brook)

Isobel Ojalvo (Princeton)

Simone Pagan Griso (LBNL)

and the Fermilab Conference Office




  • Event Manager