UEC Monthly meeting on Zoom. See email announcement for link.
Welcome to Tom Carroll, Sophie Middleton, Jane Nachtman, Scarlet Norberg, Neeti Parashar, Kevin Pedro and Barbara Yaeggy as newly elected members of the UEC.
Thank you to others who ran, Joshua Barrow, Avto Kharchilava, Andreas Jung, Mary Anne Cummings
Announcement of election results to the users going out soon.
Today's meeting will be introductions and bidding farewell to the members who served us well:
A big thank you to Ashley Back for serving as chair during the difficult pandemic days and helping guide us back to operations.
A big thank you to Alexx Perloff, who served as web master, secretary and the Education, Public Outreach and Engagement sub-committee so ably.
A big thank you to Nadja Strobbe, who organized the virtual DC trip successfully during her tenure, amongst other things.
A big thank you to Aleena Rafique, who minded the big job of Quality of Life committee. She has diligently followed up on all the "feedback" received with appropriate FNAL staff, and facilitated addressing them in a timely way.
A big thank you to Sophie for helping us with the annual users meeting in 2022 and taking on another term! We need you services.
Action items:
Lewis & Burke Associates