The DAQ Workshop aims at instructing newcomers DAQ expert and preparing the material to start writing a comprehensive documentation needed to mantain and support the DAQ system. This is also an opportunity to do more than become a DAQ expert only: it is the starting point to learn about detector subcomponents from the DAQ point of view and to get involved in the DAQ group to help to improve the system and give support for maintainance operations.
Core artdaq software overview and ICARUS implementation
Basics: how to start artdaq, how to start run, how to restart when it crashes
How to debug: where the log files are, what do they include (empty fragment, incomplete events)
Overview of the DAQ components (which code is shared with ICARUS)
What is the status of SBND DAQ
Developing and using code together with ICARUS
How grafana works, how the data is transferred from the components to Grafana
Which metrics are critical to understand issues related to DAQ/artdaq
How data is handled by Dispatcher to OM
Structure of the OM interface
Status, issues, plans
How to solve common issues with OM or archiver
AA: I apologize for not recording Gray's talk, that was my mistake.
Some summary of the discussion that occurred after the meeting:
Making new configuration, what are the various configurations
How to setup development/production area