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Tianlai Analysis Teleconference

Peter Timbie (UW-Madison), Peter Timbie


  1. David shared the Overleaf link for the current draft of the paper.
  2. Furen shared the attached slides about various options for adding 2 or 3 cylinders.   Still unclear what the best option is.   How is CHIME able to use baselines at distances of ~ 1000 km?
  3. Peter and Greg shared an outline of the NSF proposal.  Plan to have a draft for inspection by Nov 8.
  4. Albert shared a paper about a search for radio lines from dark matter decay or annihilation using GBT
  5. Change of time starting Nov 8. 
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Minutes posted for last meeting (October 25)
    • 2
      TDA cross-talk paper status
      Speakers: David Kwak (UW Madison), Peter Timbie (UW-Madison)
    • 3
      TCA "outrigger' cylinders
      Speakers: Furen Deng (NAOC), Xuelei Chen (NAOC)
    • 4
      US NSF proposal status
      Speakers: Gregory Tucker (Brown University), Peter Timbie (UW-Madison)
    • 5
      Topics for future weeks?
    • 6
      Radio Lines from Dark Matter?
      Speaker: Albert Stebbins (Fermilab)