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15–17 Mar 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Contribution List

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Joshua Isaacson (FNAL), Kevin McFarland (University of Rochester), Laura Fields (University of Notre Dame), Minerba Betancourt (Fermilab)
15/03/2023, 09:00
Marco Roda (University of Liverpool)
15/03/2023, 09:15
Yoshinari Hayato (Kamioka, ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo)
15/03/2023, 09:35
Jan Sobczyk
15/03/2023, 09:55
William Jay (MIT)
15/03/2023, 10:15
Marco Roda (University of Liverpool)
15/03/2023, 13:00
Pedro Machado (Fermilab)
15/03/2023, 13:20
Joshua Isaacson (FNAL)
15/03/2023, 13:40
Noah Steinberg
15/03/2023, 14:00
Gray Putnam
15/03/2023, 14:20
Omar Benhar (INFN - Rome)
15/03/2023, 16:00
Alexis Nikolakopoulos (FNAL)
15/03/2023, 16:20
Leonidas Aliaga Soplin (University of Texas at Arlington), Raquel Castillo Fernandez (University of Texas at Arlington)
16/03/2023, 09:00
Steven Gardiner
16/03/2023, 09:20
16/03/2023, 09:40
huma haider (student)
16/03/2023, 11:00
Joshua Isaacson (FNAL)
16/03/2023, 11:20
16/03/2023, 11:40
Nina Coyle (University of Chicago)
16/03/2023, 13:00
Julia Tena Vidal (Tel Aviv University)
16/03/2023, 13:20
Michael Wagman (Fermilab), Noemi Rocco (Fermilab)
16/03/2023, 13:40
Callum Wilkinson (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
16/03/2023, 14:00
Laura Munteanu (CERN)
16/03/2023, 14:40
Christophe Bronner (Kyoto University), Zoya Vallari (Caltech)
16/03/2023, 15:00
16/03/2023, 15:20
Clarence Wret
17/03/2023, 09:00
Andy Buckley (University of Glasgow)
17/03/2023, 09:20
Lukas Koch (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)
17/03/2023, 09:40
Julia Tena Vidal (Tel Aviv University), Marco Roda (University of Liverpool)
17/03/2023, 11:00
Steven Dytman (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
17/03/2023, 11:20
Afroditi Papadopoulou
17/03/2023, 13:00
Shirley Li (Fermilab)
17/03/2023, 13:20
Joshua Isaacson (FNAL), Kevin McFarland (University of Rochester), Laura Fields (University of Notre Dame), Minerba Betancourt (Fermilab)
17/03/2023, 15:00

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