Nov 14 – 16, 2012
US/Central timezone


  • General physics talks:
    • What the LHC can/cannot do for determining the properties of the Higgs
    • The merits of each type of Higgs factory from a physics point of view
    • How many Higgs will be produced per year? – Requirements of beam energy and luminosity
  • Issues to compare between linear and circular Higgs factories:
    • Integrated luminosity vs. Ecm
    • Number of experiments a given facility can serve
    • Energy spread, energy calibration and reproducibility (systematic uncertainly in Ecm)
    • Polarization (longitudinal only?)
    • Experimental conditions (background problems)
    • Maturity of each technology
  • e+e- collider:
    • e+e- physics for studying the Higgs (including CLIC and ILC performance at the ZH threshold)
    • Description of linear e+e- colliders (ILC, CLIC, SLC)
    • Description of circular e+e- colliders (LEP3, TLEP, SuperTristan, Fermilab site-filler)
    • Limits of a circular collider:
      • Beamstrahlung and beam-beam tune shift
      • Synchrotron radiation and rf
  • Muon collider:
    • Muon physics for studying the Higgs
    • Description of a muon collider
    • How close is a muon collider to reality? (key R&D and timeline)
  • γ-γ collider:
    • γ-γ physics for studying the Higgs
    • ILC-based γ-γ collider
    • CLIC-based γ-γ collider
    • How close is a γ-γ collider to reality? (key R&D and timeline)