1:00 PM
Measuring Neutrino Oscillation Parameters With Atmospheric Neutrinos This Decade
Carlos Argüelles Delgado
(Harvard University)
1:05 PM
The need to support the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array Project into the 2030s
Eric Mayotte
(Colorado School of Mines)
1:10 PM
Neutrino Opportunities at a Muon Collider
Zahra Tabrizi
(Northwestern University)
1:15 PM
WIMPs are Not Dead
Andrea Albert
(Los Alamos National Lav)
1:20 PM
CTA and IceCube: the prospects of multi-messenger astrophysics with next-generation gamma-ray and neutrino observatories
Qi Feng
1:25 PM
The Importance of Small Experiments for the Vitality of Neutrino Physics
Cristian Roca
1:30 PM
Particle Physics with Ultrahigh-Energy Neutrinos
Stephanie Wissel
(Pennsylvania State University)
1:35 PM
The PROSPECT reactor neutrino experiment: Highlights and future opportunities
Diego Venegas Vargas
(University of Tennessee Knox/ Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
1:40 PM
Neutrino Physics and R&D at ANNIE
Andrew Mastbaum
(Rutgers University)
1:45 PM
Trinity: UHE Earth-skimming Neutrino Detector
Mathew Potts
(GA Tech)
1:50 PM
Future Physics Opportunities at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Spallation Neutron Source
Jason Newby
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Yun-Tse Tsai
1:55 PM
Time Slicing of Neutrino Fluxes in Oscillation Experiments at Fermilab
Sudeshna Ganguly
2:00 PM
Next Generation Instrumentation for Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR)
Frank Schroeder
(University of Delaware)
2:05 PM
CYGNUS: New Physics Capabilities from Recoil Imaging
Sven Vahsen
(University of Hawaii)
2:10 PM
Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos with POEMMA and EUSO-SPB2 — Clinching Space to Open a New Gateway into Fundamental Physics
Tonia Venters
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
2:15 PM
Advanced Accelerator Concepts for Future Colliders
Xueying Lu
(Northern Illinois Univ / Argonne National Laboratory)
2:20 PM
The Feasibility of In-Ice Ultrahigh Energy Neutrino Detectors
Cosmin Deaconu
(UChicago / KICP)
Kaeli Hughes
(The University of Chicago)
2:25 PM
Hidden sector searches with low-energy neutrino scattering detectors
Daniel Pershey