4:00 PM
Evidence of off-shell Higgs, Higgs decay width constraints and EFT interpretation
Yingjie Wei
(University of Oxford)
4:15 PM
Invisible Higgs decays at CMS
Christina Wang
(California Institute of Technology)
4:30 PM
Searches for Higgs boson pairs in CMS
Daniel Fernando Guerrero Ibarra
4:45 PM
Quantum tops at the LHC
Claudio Severi
(University of Manchester)
5:00 PM
SM prediction for the CP asymmetries in two-body hadronic charm decays
Eleftheria Solomonidi
(IFIC/University of Valencia)
5:15 PM
Baryogenesis and Dark Matter in the Mirror Twin Higgs
Pedro Bittar
(University of São Paulo)
5:30 PM
The Heavy-Flavor Production at the LHC
Keping Xie
(University of Pittsburgh)