Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be unavailable on Wed, Jan 15th from 7-7:30am CST due to server maintenance.

Jul 10 – 13, 2023
America/Chicago timezone

The SM@LHC workshop deals with the latest developments as well as future prospects in Standard Model phenomenology at the LHC. The emphasis lies on bringing together experimentalists and theorists to stimulate discussions on the most interesting and topical aspects across the various fields. The main topics include Electroweak, Higgs, QCD, Top, Flavour Physics and EFT.

Previous editions:  CERN (SM@LHC 2022), Online (SM@LHC 2021), Zurich (SM@LHC 2019), Berlin (SM@LHC 2018), Amsterdam (SM@LHC 2017), Pittsburgh (SM@LHC 2016), Florence (SM@LHC 2015), Madrid (SM@LHC 2014), Freiburg (SM@LHC 2013), Copenhagen (SM@LHC 2012), Durham (SM@LHC 2011) and London (SM@LHC 2009).

Remote participation in this workshop is possible, but remote talks are strongly discouraged.

Please note: Remote participation in this workshop is free of charge, but requires registration. We can only share the Zoom link with conference attendees that have been approved by the Fermilab FNAP office. The approval process can take several days or weeks. If you plan to participate in the workshop, please register as soon as possible.

Alvin Tollestrup Auditorium
Fermilab, Batavia, IL 60510, USA
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