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27–29 Apr 2023
Yale University
US/Eastern timezone

Participant List

42 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Aaron Chou Fermilab
Alexander Sushkov Boston University
Ben Loer Pacific Northwest National Lab
Chelsea Bartram SLAC National Lab
Clarence Chang Argonne National Lab
Cristián Peña Fermilab
Dale Li SLAC National Accelerator Lab
Daniel Carney Berkeley Lab
David Hume NIST
David Leibrandt UCLA
David Moore Yale University
David Schuster Stanford
Gustavo Cancelo fermilab
Helmut Marsiske DOE Office of High Energy Physics
Holger Mueller LBL / UC Berkeley
Hsiao-Mei Cho SLAC
Jack Harris Yale University
Karl Berggren MIT
Kent Irwin Stanford University and SLAC
Konrad Lehnert JILA, University of Colorado
Lee McCuller California Institute of Technology
Lindley Winslow MIT
Marianna Safronova University of Delaware
Matt Pyle University of California Berkeley
Matt Shaw Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Maurice Garcia-Sciveres Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Noah Kurinsky SLAC National Laboratory
O. Keith Baker Yale University
Paul Stankus Brookhaven National Lab
Peter Graham Stanford University
Rakshya Khatiwada Illinois Institute of Technology/Fermilab
Raphael Pooser Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Raymond Bunker DOE HEP
Reina Maruyama Yale University
Roni Harnik Fermilab
Salman Habib Argonne National Laboratory
Scott Hertel University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Si Xie Fermilab and Caltech
Steven Lamoreaux Yale- HAYSTAC
Surjeet Rajendran The Johns Hopkins University
Tim Kovachy Northwestern University