Searches for Physics Beyond the Standard Model with Coherent CAPTAIN Mills


This is the so-called “Wine and Cheese” seminar.

Code of conduct: The Wine and Cheese is a scientific seminar and thus questions and discussion are welcome. The goal of discussion is to enhance the quality and understanding of the science for the whole community. Out of consideration for all, even when questions are not straightforward, we will insist that they be asked and answered with respect and civility. We value voices of all backgrounds, accents, pitches and degrees of softness, both among our speakers and in the audience. Scientific claims are judged by their content and rigor, and not by the demeanor of their proponent

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      Searches for Physics Beyond the Standard Model with Coherent CAPTAIN Mills

      The Coherent CAPTAIN Mills (CCM) experiment uses a 10-ton liquid argon scintillation detector at the Lujan Center at LANSCE to search for physics beyond the standard model. Such physics includes light dark matter (LDM), axion like particles (ALPs), and Dark Sector coupling to Meson Decay (DSCMD) produced by the LANSCE accelerator and Lujan target. The Lujan Center delivers a 100-kW, 800 MeV, 290 ns wide proton pulse onto a tungsten target at 20 Hz to generate a particle source. The fast pulse, in combination with the speed of the CCM scintillation detector, is crucial for isolating prompt speed of light particles generated by fast source processes such as stopped pions and electromagnetic showers to reduce neutron and steady state background. In this talk we will describe CCM’s search for BSM physics by showing the results from our Fall 2019 search for LDM and ALPs, as well as the projected reach of the experiment based on the current upgrades to the CCM detector and a 3-year run.

      Speakers: Adrian Thompson (Texas A&M University), Edward Dunton (LANL)